Here is ShaqDown Android I have to confess to not being massively aware of Shaq or why he matters so much to Americans but the game is alright and beating up zombies in ShaqDown Android keeps me entertained for a while.
Now and then we come across one of those games that we really like because it##Q##s a bit different.
You can have too many car chases or endless runner style games with pretty graphics.
With ShaqDown you##Q##re getting full-frontal zombie action as basketball star Shaquille O##Q##Neal gets to grips with some rather unpleasant characters in ShaqDown Android.
The storyline is that a zombie virus has mutated and the resulting zombies have enslaved mankind.
Shaq##Q##s job is to save the day using his magical powers and superior strength. So that##Q##s it basically. The zombies are facing a ShaqDown, like it says on the tin. The animation and HD graphics are by Street Fighter Artist Long Vo and they##Q##re pretty good.
The game, from One Spear Entertainment, is 62p from the Google Play Store and you get three game stages with thousands of mutant zombies. If you earn Shaqra you can unlock new game modes.
Not a difficult one to play either, if you##Q##ve got the Samsung Galaxy 3 or the Note 2, just grab it and get on with it.
The post ShaqDown Android Review The Shaq Attacks appeared first on Androidizen.